Support our Festival
The SLF is committed to celebrating the Love of Words in all ways! Our Festival is an important part of creating a vibrant, relevant hotbed of thought and entertainment in the Upper Hunter.
We Need Your Help!
With only 2 weeks left until the end of the financial year, The Scone Literary Festival, a registered Australian charity, is seeking your support. The SLF is committed to celebrating the Love of Words in all ways through our bi-annual festival which engages all ages and sectors of our community, also bringing tourism from further affield.
This year we have been unsuccessful in getting any support from the NSW or Federal government. This is a huge, unexpected blow. However we know how valuable our festival is and want to continue planning for the year ahead.
We need your support, your fully tax deductible donation will go directly to ensuring that our three day festival happens!
To make a fully tax deductible donation please click on this link. We will provide you with a deductible gift receipt upon donation.
Thank you so much for your consideration, it is people like you that ensure the Upper Hunter community continues to have vibrant, relevant, educational and fun events that ensure continued connection.
Your support will:
- Assist with the programming of the 2025 three day festival.
- Fund events over the Festival weekend in Murrurundi, Merriwa and Scone.
- Fund writing and creative workshops that engage students from all schools in the Upper Hunter.
- Further build upon our programs and digitalise content.
Thank you again for your support, it is people like you that ensure our fabulous Festival is sustainable.
Sal O’Regan x
Friends of the Festival
What is a Friends of the Festival membership all about?
Not only will you enjoy discounted tickets and pre release booking options to our popular events, you’ll have the satisfaction that comes from supporting a great local initiative. The Scone Literary Festival is not only making its mark on the overall literary scene but is making a major contribution to the cultural life and diversity of the Upper Hunter.
Get or renew your membership today:
$30.00 individual member
$90.00 corporate/company membership
Thank you for being a Friend!
Become a Patron or Sponsor
We plan to inspire thought, open robust, respectful conversation on several BIG topics that are addressing today's society. Those who ponder, debate and are willing to change their opinions through growth have the potential to shape the course of our future. Help support us so that we can continue bringing thought leaders to the Upper Hunter.
Community Events
Strong communities are built on connection and shared experiences…so of course our Festival is filled with Community events for all ages. By supporting the Scone Literary Festival through your sponsorship, you're supporting writing workshops, film classes, business communication workshops, or you can even select the types of events that you'd like to patronise.
However you'd like to support us, we'll ensure every dollar goes right back into the community!
Some previous FREE community events
Storytime with an author
Primary Writers Workshops
Community Storytelling in Scone
Me, My Community, and a Stroke of Luck with Janno McGloughlin, Maria Myrtko, Erina Reddan, and Nardi Simpson
Coffee and a Bookswap
After Liddell a panel about reimagining the Upper Hunter's Future
Youth Film Making Workshop with Hattie Archibald & Hugo Morgan
LinkedIn Masterclass with Lucy Bingle