Ryan Butta reveals a gritty alternative history in The Ballad of Abdul Wade, exposing the untold debt that Australia owes to the humble camel – and the Afghans who brought them here and drove them through the outback.
Butta grew up in regional New South Wales. Before he started writing he worked in international trade and has lived and worked extensively overseas. He is Editor-at-Large for Galah Press and also authors Out of Office, a publication that charts his course of quitting office life to pursue a writing career. When he is not writing, Ryan enjoys fly-fishing, cooking over flame and telling people that he once played cricket for Argentina. He speaks Spanish and Portuguese but mostly enjoys long silences. Ryan currently lives in the Hunter Valley with his wife, Carolina, and a cavoodle called Canela.
Ryan will be sharing fascinating insights at the Literary Lunch as to what information does and doesn’t make it into the history books.